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Showing posts from May 24, 2020

Far-Right Extremists Are Hoping to Turn the George Floyd Protests Into a New Civil War

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Professional runner and Olympic hopeful Johnny Gregorek broke the world record for the Blue Jean Mile and has raised over $32,000 (and counting) for the National Alliance on Mental Illness in honor of his late brother Paddy

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Always remember, it was Hans who taught us how to fly.

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LPT: When greeting adults with children present, greet the children too.

Air India's Delhi-Moscow flight returns midway to Delhi as ground team realises the pilot is COVID-19 positive: Officials

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Reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2

LPT: If you are about to disassemble something always take a picture before you start

TIL that in order to appease Persia for killing their ambassadors, Sparta sent two young noblemen volunteers, Bulis and Sperthias, to offer themselves to be executed in atonement. Xerxes sent the men back, saying that he would not sink to Sparta's level and did not consider Sparta's guilt loosened.

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TIL ‘Nigerian Prince’ scam e-mails are intentionally filled with grammatical errors and typos to filter out all but the most gullible recipients. This strategy minimizes false positives and self-selects for those individuals most susceptible to being defrauded.

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Bobby Joe Morrow, who won 3 gold medals at 1956 Olympics, dies at 84.

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In 2002, Burnley FC mascot Bertie Bee wipes out a streaker, then celebrates in style.

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No, no, he’s got a point.

LPT: rinsing face with Pepsi eases pain from tear gas

TIL about Philipp Mainländer a philosopher who believed before the beginning of time there was God, and the only thing God wanted was to die, but since he was a being of infinite unity the only way he could kill himself was to shatter his timeless being into a time-bound and material universe.

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Trump quietly vetoes measure that would have made it easier for defrauded students to obtain debt relief

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Minnesota Officials Link Arrested Looters to White Supremacist Groups

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Amateur Athletes in the Summer

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Successful Launch of SpaceX Dragon from American Soil

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LPT: even if you are not a 'coffee person,' keep some in the house (even just an emergency stash of instant). This will go a surprisingly long way towards making friends comfortable if they ever sleep over, and they will feel extremely grateful.

LPT: If you found someone's pet (or any valuable) and plan to make a PSA looking for it's owner, leave some details about the animal/object out of the PSA so you can quiz any potential owners who contact you

TIL the original Mr. Potato Head didn't come with a plastic body. The pieces were meant to be put into an actual potato.

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TIL Near the end of filming the movie Matilda, Mara Wilson's mother passed away from breast cancer. Director Danny DeVito was able to show a near final cut of the film to her so she could see her daughters performance. The movie is also dedicated to her memory.

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LPT: When apartment hunting, pay very close attention to the dumpsters. If you see a lot of furniture or beds, it's a sign of a bedbug infestation.

TIL in 2018 a 75-year-old British man pooped into a container for six to eight weeks, built a homemade pump, drove 200 miles to his former friend's house and used the pump to spray the poo all over the hallway and stairs through the mailbox.

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TIL about Harrison Okene, a man who survived in an air pocket in a shipwreck 100 feet below the surface for more than two days before getting rescued when divers went down to recover the bodies of the presumed dead crew.

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RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel repeatedly voted by mail before suing California for expanding the practice | Records show McDaniel voted by mail. Sound familiar? So did Kayleigh McEnany. So did Kellyanne Conway. So did Trump

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LPT: States allowing businesses to reopen means at best that hospitals have the ability to handle an increase in cases; it does not mean the risk is gone for you as an individual. Continue to be cautious about your choices.

*weeb noises*

TIL That the quote "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" is by one Evelyn Beatrice Hall, not Voltaire

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TIL Ol’ Dirty Bastard from Wu-Tang Clan rallied a group of people to lift a wrecked car off 4 year old girl and saved her life

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Trump rages at 'haters' after uproar at his threat to shoot looters in Minnesota

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Federer tops list of world's highest-paid athletes

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LPT: Scream. It helps in a lot of mental situations. Screaming sometimes just gets that last bit of stress out of your system. Also helps if you’re being kidnapped.

Why are most Tamilians hostile towards Hindi speaking people?

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Hold up A minute

TIL of "Burro" Schmidt a gold miner in the Mojave Desert who started digging a tunnel through the mountains to safely transport his ore to the smelter. He completed the tunnel in 38 years, moving 5,800 tons of granite with a pick. In the meantime a road was built so he never used the tunnel.

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Trump loyalist Lindsey Graham locked in dead heat with Democratic challenger in red South Carolina

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Minneapolis Mayor Hits Back at Trump’s Attacks: Weakness Is Blaming Others in Time of Crisis

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Jon Jones asks for release from the UFC

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A study has found that people with alzheimers, autism and multiple sclerosis had higher than average levels of aluminium in their brain.

Yes, your dog wants to rescue you - "ASU Canine Science Collaboratory study shows that pet dogs will try to save their distressed human, as long as they know how"

TIL that because the USA is unlikely to extend its copyright term again, Disney has been extensively using the "Steamboat Willie" Mickey Mouse in its marketing to keep the character indefinitely protected under trademark law instead

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C'mon dad!

TIL that Willie Nelson Definitely Smoked Weed on the Roof of the White House with Jimmy Carter's Son

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TIL John Legend graduated from high school salutatorian of his class and at age 16. He was then accepted to Harvard but turned it down for the University of Pennsylvania where he would graduate. He is also one of only 15 people to win an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony award.

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LPT: That feeling or thought still exists whether you put it into words or not. So why not talk about your problems, throw them out there and see if they're still so scary when out in the open. These monsters won't be so fierce when they are matched with the logic, advice and support of a loved-one.

LPT: Get a copy of an old Boy Scout handbook. The handbook contains a lot info on various topics from camping to home repair.

Megathread: President Donald Trump signs executive order targeting protections for social media platforms

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Tom Stoltman breaks the Atlas Stone lift world record with a lift of 286 kg (631 lbs)

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