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Showing posts from November 4, 2018

Sprint Offers Weak-Ass Denial in Response to Accusations of Skype Throttling

Tesla's 'Bioweapon Defense Mode' is proving invaluable to owners affected by CA wildfires

British Ministry of Defence and ICL scientists develop world’s first quantum compass - rendering nautical GPS navigation obsolete

New type of eye implant uses magnets to manage glaucoma

New sensor can map oxygen levels over the skin

The father of the web has persuaded Google and Facebook to sign up to his code of ethics because they're doing so much damage to his creation

A simple plan to dissolve Facebook, Google, and Amazon: Columbia Law professor Tim Wu lays it out in his new book The Curse of Bigness

Judge orders Amazon Echo to give recordings in stabbing case

Yelp craters as much as 32% as advertisers abandon the site

More Apple products are coming to Amazon under a new deal

Facebook followed Uber and Google and is ending forced arbitration for sexual harassment cases

MIT researchers develop transparent coating for windows that reflect heat from sun

Amazon must give up Echo recordings in double murder case, judge rules

Finland and Norway are telling airline pilots to be ready to fly without GPS, and some think Russia is up to something

Elon Musk wants to dig sewers in your city - The Boring Company CEO says transit tunnels aren't the only thing he's going to dig.

Microsoft Is Being Sued Over the Xbox One's Warranty-Void-if-Removed Sticker: "The goal is to intimidate consumers and repair organizations and deceive them into thinking that that a warranty is void if anybody other than Microsoft opens up the box."

Hackers stole income, immigration and tax data in breach, government confirms

Amazon Is Kicking All Unauthorized Apple Refurbishers Off Amazon Marketplace

FCC Commissioner slams San Jose mayor for not approving 5G cells… then slams him for approving them.

The fake video era of US politics has arrived on Twitter - A reporter, an altered video clip, and a chance to choose your own reality

The DEA and ICE are hiding surveillance cameras in streetlights

Manhattan DA Cy Vance Says The Only Solution To Device Encryption Is Federally-Mandated Backdoors

Rust Costs the Pentagon $21 Billion Per Year

Amazon’s HQ2 was a con, not a contest

Google says it was a mistake to push app developers to make all-white interfaces

PayPal is canceling accounts used by the Proud Boys, Gavin McInnes, and antifa groups - PayPal said today that it will cancel accounts used by far-right group the Proud Boys as well as multiple accounts from anti-fascist groups.

Twitter co-founder Ev Williams says in retrospect that showing how many followers you have wasn’t ‘healthy’: “It really put in your face that the game was popularity,” he said.

AI is not “magic dust” for your company, says Google’s Cloud AI boss

Facebook removed 14 million pieces of terrorist content this year, and the numbers are rising

Self-driving cars could function as moving brothels, academics predict

Indiana Utility Says Replacing Coal With Renewables Will Save Customers $4 Billion

Windows 10 users finding their legit installs are being deactivated

Russian Troll Farm Internet Research Agency Held a Bizarre Reddit AMA With Itself

Google confirms dark mode is a huge help for battery life on Android

Amazon told employees it would continue to sell its controversial facial recognition software to law enforcement.

Phone companies slammed for lousy robocall efforts

In news that will shock absolutely no one, America's cellphone networks throttle vids, strangle rival Skype - Net neutrality probe finds it's not the end of the world, though

Google Ends Forced Arbitration for Sexual Misconduct Cases

5 nations now demanding Mark Zuckerberg testify on Facebook's data misuse

Sprint is throttling Microsoft's Skype service, study finds.

Microsoft Broke Windows 10 Again, Despite Warnings From Windows Insiders

Tesla replaces Elon Musk as chair—he’ll stay CEO

Microsoft Bans “Offensive Language” from Skype

Marsha Blackburn Continues To Be Rewarded For Screwing Up The Internet

New Copyright Regulations Could Prevent Artists from Sharing Work on Social Media

19 States Voting Records Being Sold on the Dark Web

Facebook Messenger will soon give users 10 minutes to delete a message they regret sending.

San Francisco's biggest companies now forced to pay a homeless tax

The startup behind the first lab-grown pork links let us see how their sausage gets made — and said it slashed the cost from $2,500 to $216 in a month

Half of YouTube viewers use it to learn how to do things they’ve never done