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Showing posts from October 21, 2018

Facebook’s ex security boss: Asking Big Tech to police hate speech is “a dangerous path”

Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting Suspect's Gab Posts Are Part of a Pattern

Paypal bans Gab following Pittsburgh shooting

Big tech must not reframe digital ethics in its image. "It may be legal -- but is this fair?"

Amazon Has Pulled Its Ads From Bloomberg Over China Hack Story

Google Maps has become a big bloated mess of features nobody wants

After Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico may shift to 100% renewable energy

The midterms are already hacked. You just don’t know it yet. - An investigation into the US election system reveals frightening vulnerabilities at almost every level.

California strikes deal with FCC to delay state net neutrality law

Sir Richard Branson just strapped a giant rocket to a 747 jet airplane with his space company Virgin Orbit

Twitter accused of not taking action against bombing suspect's threatening tweets

Tesla's 'Navigate on Autopilot' goes live in North America tonight

Why Any Backdoor Would Be a Threat to Online Security: By demanding backdoors to encryption, Politicians are not asking us to choose between security and privacy. They are asking us to choose no security.

We have to rewrite antitrust law to deal with tech monopolies, says ‘Positive Populism’ author Steve Hilton

Apple bars Bloomberg from iPad event as payback for spy chip story

SoundCloud’s new artist contract is a raw deal for musicians

Bing caught pushing malware ad when you search for Chrome

Generating custom photo-realistic faces using AI

Google’s smart city dream is turning into a privacy nightmare

Copyright Office rules in favor of your right to repair your own phone

Twitter Did Nothing When Woman Reported Cesar Sayoc for Graphic Threats

Political commentator said she warned Twitter two weeks ago about pipe bomb suspect. Rochelle Ritchie said Twitter told her at the time that the account did not violate any of its policies. It has since been suspended.

Living the 80s dream...

Microsoft overtakes Amazon as second most valuable U.S. company

California won't enforce net neutrality law as DOJ halts lawsuit

Georgia voters say voting machine registers wrong candidate

'The Blowjob Paper:' Scientists Processed 109 Hours of Oral Sex to Develop an AI that Sucks Dick

[AMA] I am hallucinogenius - /r/listentothis helped me launch my career and now I've done an official remix for The Glitch Mob - AMA! hallucinogeniusmusic

Hi, A couple months ago I woke up and performed the daily ritual of checking my music stats - a routinely disheartening event. However, what I discovered this day compelled me to scream, startling my dog and undoubtedly waking up my neighbors. One of my songs had 10k plays on YouTube! A number of the comments said, “Here from Reddit.” So, I thought I’d check it out. After some slight sleuthing, I discovered someone had shared my song, here, in Listen To This, which resulted in the prodigious plays. Since then, I’ve released a few more singles, am working on my debut LP, been added to thousands of playlists, and accrued hundreds of thousands of plays on Spotify. And most exciting of all - I was asked to do an official remix for The Glitch Mob’s deluxe album (released today)! I consider them a god-tier band and am honored to be working with them in an official capacity. I created this account to say, “Thank you.” I’m grateful for all the support. I love reading your comments (good an

The Next Big One? Earthquake Scientists Look to A.I.

190 Universities Launch 600 Free Online Courses

Net neutrality activists deliver “truckload of telecom money” outside Rep Steve Knight debate

Texans say voting machines are flipping selections to the other party

As Midterms Near, Campaign Demands to Know: "Is Your Member of Congress Fighting to Save Net Neutrality?"

China systematically hijacks internet traffic: researchers

Why the NSA Called Me After Midnight and Requested My Source Code

Scientists Back Efforts to Pull CO2 from the Atmosphere: A new report from the National Academics calls for concerted research into “negative emissions technologies”

Big Brother is being increasingly outsourced to Silicon Valley, says report

What Happens When Telecom Companies Search Your Home for Piracy: Adam Lackman ran TVAddons, a site hosting unofficial addons for Kodi media player. A legal team representing powerful telecom and media companies—Bell and Rogers included—searched his home and sued him for piracy.

Facebook’s political ad tool let us buy ads “paid for” by Mike Pence and ISIS

The Feds Just Hit Notorious Swatter Tyler Barriss With 46 New Charges. He Intends to Plead Guilty

New copyright exemptions let you legally repair your phone or jailbreak voice assistants - The US Copyright Office has made it legal to hack your tractor

How Google Protected Andy Rubin, the ‘Father of Android’

NASA's asteroid defense budget expected to increase by 150%

Groundbreaking new technology could allow 100-times-faster internet by harnessing twisted light beams

Google reportedly gave Andy Rubin, the creator of Android, a $90 million exit package after deciding he needed to leave because of a sexual misconduct investigation

In Groundbreaking Decision, Feds Say Hacking DRM to Fix Your Electronics Is Legal - The new exemptions are a major win for the right to repair movement and give consumers wide latitude to legally repair the devices they own.

China suggests Trump switch to Huawei after reports of iPhone tapping

FCC Seeks $63M After Lifeline Discounts Used to Buy Ferrari - The Lifeline program is meant to help low-income consumers gain access to broadband and phone services, but one Ohio company owner used it to buy a Ferrari convertible, Cessna jet, and Florida condo.

I Bought Used Voting Machines on eBay for $100 Apiece. What I Found Was Alarming

Facebook Fined Just $645,000 in UK Over Cambridge Analytica Scandal, Money It Makes in Less Than 10 Minutes

New study claims data harvesting among Android apps is "out of control"