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[AMA] I am hallucinogenius - /r/listentothis helped me launch my career and now I've done an official remix for The Glitch Mob - AMA! hallucinogeniusmusic


A couple months ago I woke up and performed the daily ritual of checking my music stats - a routinely disheartening event. However, what I discovered this day compelled me to scream, startling my dog and undoubtedly waking up my neighbors. One of my songs had 10k plays on YouTube! A number of the comments said, “Here from Reddit.” So, I thought I’d check it out.

After some slight sleuthing, I discovered someone had shared my song, here, in Listen To This, which resulted in the prodigious plays. Since then, I’ve released a few more singles, am working on my debut LP, been added to thousands of playlists, and accrued hundreds of thousands of plays on Spotify. And most exciting of all - I was asked to do an official remix for The Glitch Mob’s deluxe album (released today)! I consider them a god-tier band and am honored to be working with them in an official capacity.

I created this account to say, “Thank you.” I’m grateful for all the support. I love reading your comments (good and bad). I feel like my music has found an audience, and even after this brief amount of time, it feels a bit like home - that’s more than most aspiring musicians have. AMA!



P.S. For those wondering, my dog is a golden-doodle.


The Glitch Mob Remix:

Spotify -

SoundCloud (free downloads) -

YouTube -


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