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[Discussion] I'm unsubscribing after seeing the response to the Future Bass thread. TheEternalWoodchuck

Completely unacceptable. Even the people not completely shitting on OP for having a new interest in a genre, (literally the point of this sub is finding new music), were criticizing them for finding an interest in a genre that had more than a dozen goddamned listeners.

The popularity threshold and the subsequent elitism has completely ruined this sub. This community used to be a celebration of people's journeys into music appreciation. Now you can't even show people foreign music they've never heard before because it's popular in its home country. You won't allow people in that didn't catch on to a genre when they were too young.

The future bass thing took off like a decade ago, if OP is 18 then they'd have been 8 at the time. Exactly how damn nuanced do you want an 8 year old's taste in music to be?

I've been subbed for years and this is the end of it. It was a slow descent, but the camel's back is broken. You're officially the incels of music.


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